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Webinar Series Session 2: “Navigating Reliable Diagnoses for Measuring Food Losses in the Primary Sector of the Supply Chain”


The second session, titled “Navigating Reliable Diagnoses for Measuring Food Losses in the Primary Sector of the Supply Chain”, of the FOLOU webinar series was held on the 11th of April. Also, this session was pivotal for our project, and we’re thrilled to announce it was a resounding success!

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who participated, making the event truly enriching. Special acknowledgement also goes to Espigoladors for their seamless organization, ensuring a smooth experience for all involved.

Excitingly, the PowerPoint presentation from the session is now available on the FOLOU website, offering valuable insights for those unable to attend. Additionally, Espigoladors’ feedback document, capturing key insights and comments, is also accessible.

Missed the live session? Don’t worry! You can catch the recording on Espigoladors’ YouTube channel to stay in the loop

Stay tuned for the last enlightening session in the FOLOU webinar series as we continue our journey toward a more sustainable and efficient food supply chain. Your involvement makes all the difference! Register for the third webinar here.