Press release: October 2023
by Luminita Ciolacu and Sofia Reis
ISEKI-Food Association
The WASTELESS project has established its Community of Practice (CoP) on Food Loss and Waste (FLW)! The CoP is an online interactive environment which will i) foster the exchange of views between experts on FLW ii) debate on the best practices on FLW measuring and monitoring strategies for their harmonisation, and iii) promote collaboration and networking between all interested actors. Members of the CoP will include European and national Food Industry Trade Associations, Association of Agricultural and Food Cooperatives, and National Food Agencies from every European Member States as well as all other food chain actors interested in FLW.
Are you part of the food chain and interested in tackling the issue of FLW? Join our vibrant community to collaborate, exchange ideas, and work towards innovative solutions that promote a more sustainable and efficient food system. Here you will find interesting blog articles related to FLW (e.g., EU news and regulations and best practices on FLW), tools to measure and monitor FLW, trainings, latest news and events, publications, and recommendations in the FLW area.
Register and take full advantage of the WASTELESS CoP: comment on the blog posts, engage with other stakeholders involved in the FLW or raise a question to find your answer from experts in the field. Registration is fast, easy, and open to everyone.
Stay connected with WASTELESS on wastelesseu.com, Twitter and LinkedIn.
WASTELESS is funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101084222). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.