The FOLOU project aims at delivering a robust methodology to quantify food losses in the primary production stage. A first step of the methodology development was to propose a definition for food loss, as there is currently no official definition at the European level. The project sought to distinguish such losses from food waste, by-products, and animal feed. The forthcoming definitional framework will encompass products from a point when they are mature enough to be harvested, until they are harvested.
The post-harvest stage may also contribute to food loss, but further discussions are underway to establish a coherent understanding. Efforts are ongoing to consolidate common ground on these unclear points of legislation jointly with European organizations.
Since the definition is still under development and will be improved during the project, comments or reviews are more than welcome.
Simultaneously, the methodological framework to aid regions and member states in accurately quantifying food loss is being developed. The first version of this framework will be available by the end of September 2023. Through this initiative, the project seeks to provide vital guidance for partners and potentially influence future European legislation on food loss and waste reduction.